Now showing: Israel - Postage stamps (2000 - 2009) - 354 stamps.

2008 The 120th Anniversary of Hatikva

28. April WM: None Sheetsize: 1 Perforation: 14

[The 120th Anniversary of Hatikva, type ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1969 BTC 30NIS 5.00 - - - EUR
1969 - - - -
2008 The 120th Anniversary of Hatikva

28. April WM: None Sheetsize: 1 Perforation: 14

[The 120th Anniversary of Hatikva, type ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1969 BTC 30NIS - - - -
1969 5.00 - - - EUR
2008 The 50th Anniversary of the Israel Export Institute

28. April WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[The 50th Anniversary of the Israel Export Institute, type BTD]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1970 BTD 2.80NIS 1.10 - - - EUR
2008 The 60th Anniversary of Israel

28. April WM: None Perforation: 14

[The 60th Anniversary of Israel, type BTE]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1971 BTE NIS 0.60 - - - EUR
[The 60th Anniversary of Israel - Self Adhesive, type BTE1]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1972 BTE1 NIS 0.60 - - - EUR
2008 The 60th Anniversary of Independence

28. April WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[The 60th Anniversary of Independence, type BTF]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1973 BTF 1.55NIS 0.60 - - - EUR
2008 Memorial Day

28. April WM: None Perforation: 13 x 14

[Memorial Day, type BTM]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1980 BTM 1.55NIS 0.60 - - - EUR
2008 The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv

14. May WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv, type ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1983 BTP 3.50NIS - - - -
1984 BTQ 4.50NIS - - - -
1985 BTR 5.50NIS - - - -
1983‑1985 5.75 - - - EUR
2008 The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv

14. May WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv, type ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1983 BTP 3.50NIS - - - -
1984 BTQ 4.50NIS - - - -
1985 BTR 5.50NIS - - - -
1983‑1985 5.75 - - - EUR
[The 40th Anniversary of "Jerusalem of Gold", type ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1986 BTS 18NIS 8.00 - - - EUR
1986 - - - -
[The 40th Anniversary of "Jerusalem of Gold", type ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1986 BTS 18NIS - - - -
1986 8.00 - - - EUR
2008 Children's Drawings

14. May WM: None Perforation: 13 x 14

[Children's Drawings, type BTT] [Children's Drawings, type BTU] [Children's Drawings, type BTV]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1988 BTT 2.25NIS - - - -
1989 BTU 2.25NIS - - - -
1990 BTV 2.25NIS - - - -
1988‑1990 2.70 - - - EUR
2008 Gush Katif Settlement

14. July WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[Gush Katif Settlement, type BTW]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1997 BTW 1.55NIS 0.80 - - - EUR
2008 Prominates in Israel

14. July WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[Prominates in Israel, type BTX] [Prominates in Israel, type BTY] [Prominates in Israel, type BTZ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
1998 BTX 4.50NIS - - - -
1999 BTY 4.60NIS - - - -
2000 BTZ 8.10NIS - - - -
1998‑2000 5.50 - - - EUR
2008 Rabbis Forerunners if Zionism

14. September WM: None Perforation: 12½ x 13

[Rabbis Forerunners if Zionism, type BUE] [Rabbis Forerunners if Zionism, type BUF]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2005 BUE 2.30NIS - - - -
2006 BUF 8.50NIS - - - -
2005‑2006 3.75 - - - EUR
[The 60th Anniversary of Friendship Between Israel and France, type BUL] [The 60th Anniversary of Friendship Between Israel and France, type BUM]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2012 BUL 1.60NIS - - - -
2013 BUM 3.80NIS - - - -
2012‑2013 3.30 - - - EUR
[The 60th Anniversary of Friendship Between Israel and France, type BUL] [The 60th Anniversary of Friendship Between Israel and France, type BUM]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2012 BUL 1.60NIS - - - -
2013 BUM 3.80NIS - - - -
2012‑2013 2.20 - - - EUR
2008 Day of Stamps - Ancient Letters

17. December WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[Day of Stamps - Ancient Letters, type BUN] [Day of Stamps - Ancient Letters, type BUO] [Day of Stamps - Ancient Letters, type BUP]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2014 BUN 1.60NIS - - - -
2015 BUO 2.30NIS - - - -
2016 BUP 8.50NIS - - - -
2014‑2016 4.50 - - - EUR
2008 Taglit - Birthright Israel"

17. December WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[Taglit - Birthright Israel", type BUQ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2017 BUQ 5.60NIS 2.00 - - - EUR
2008 Radio Station Galei Zahal

17. December WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[Radio Station Galei Zahal, type BUR]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2018 BUR 2.30NIS 1.00 - - - EUR
2008 Census of Population & Housing

17. December WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[Census of Population & Housing, type BUS]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2019 BUS 1.60NIS 0.70 - - - EUR
2009 The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv

17. February WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv, type BUT] [The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv, type BUU] [The 100th Anniversary of the City of Tel Aviv, type BUV]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2020 BUT 1.60NIS - - - -
2021 BUU 2.30NIS - - - -
2022 BUV 3.80NIS - - - -
2020‑2022 3.00 - - - EUR
2009 Memorial Day

22. April WM: None Sheetsize: 15 Perforation: 14 x 13

[Memorial Day, type BVE]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2031 BVE 1.60NIS 0.60 - - - EUR
2009 Polish Year - Joint Issue with Poland

22. April WM: None Perforation: 14

[Polish Year - Joint Issue with Poland, type ]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2032 BVF 6.10NIS 2.50 - - - EUR
2032 - - - -
2009 Maccabiah

30. June WM: None Perforation: 13 x 14

[Maccabiah, type BVW]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2049 BVW 5.60NIS 2.00 - - - EUR
2009 The 50th International Harp Contest

30. June WM: None Perforation: 13 x 14

[The 50th International Harp Contest, type BVX]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2050 BVX 8.50NIS 3.00 - - - EUR
2009 Global Warming - Renewable Energy

30. June WM: None Perforation: 13

[Global Warming - Renewable Energy, type BVY] [Global Warming - Renewable Energy, type BVZ] [Global Warming - Renewable Energy, type BWA]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2051 BVY 2.30NIS - - - -
2052 BVZ 2.30NIS - - - -
2053 BWA 2.30NIS - - - -
2051‑2053 2.50 - - - EUR
2009 Love

30. June WM: None Perforation: 14

[Love, type BWB]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2054 BWB NIS 0.70 - - - EUR
2009 Virtual Communication

8. September WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[Virtual Communication, type BWC] [Virtual Communication, type BWD] [Virtual Communication, type BWE]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2055 BWC 2.40NIS - - - -
2056 BWD 5.30NIS - - - -
2057 BWE 6.50NIS - - - -
2055‑2057 4.75 - - - EUR
2009 The 75th Anniversary of the Leumit Health Fund

8. September WM: None Perforation: 14 x 13

[The 75th Anniversary of the Leumit Health Fund, type BWL]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2064 BWL 8.80NIS 3.00 - - - EUR
2009 Yiddish Theatre - Iasi, Romania

26. November WM: None Perforation: 14

[Yiddish Theatre - Iasi, Romania, type BWM]
No. Type D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC    
2065 BWM 4.60NIS 1.65 - - - EUR


From year

To year




